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Matt (8yrs) * Zach (6yrs) * Alex (4yrs-going on 10) * Baby Sista Adriana (23mos) * Ian(3 wks)

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Monday, April 27, 2009

A Blessed Day

We had a GREAT weekend. But it was especially special for Matthew. He made his First Reconciliation on Saturday and then Sunday his First Communion. We were all very excited, happy and proud of Matthew. We can't wait to join him, but for now we will continue to cross our arms during communion and receive a blessing. We really enjoyed getting all dressed up but we were ready to pull off our ties and tights (Adri). Friday was another great day! Since we didn't get to close on our new house, we went to Chuck E Cheese to finally celebrate Zach's birthday dinner. That was waaaay fun!! A quick update on Ian. He is growing like a weed! He was already over 10 lbs and had grown an inch at his first dr. appointment. It's hard to believe that he's already been with us for a month. We've been waiting for him to start doing some fun things, since all he does is sleep. Well, on Sunday, before we started getting ready for Matt's day, he smiled for the first time! He's' smiled before, but only in his sleep so doesn't really count. We think it was his little way of letting his big brother know he loves him and was happy for him. And finally one last update... no progress on Adri's potty training. Any tips out there would be helpful... Mom's not quite sure how to train a girl. Hee hee. Hope you enjoy the video of Matt's performance at the end of mass and the slideshow of some of the fun days last week! Press pause on the playlist so you can hear the video. Time for bed!!! Love you all!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Feliz Cumpleanos

Happy Birthday to you..(cha, cha, cha)
Happy Birthday to you...(cha, cha, cha)
Happy Birthday dear Zach(4/5), Grandpa(4/12), Gabe(4/13), Pat(4/13) and Grandma(4/14)...
Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuu!!!
Love you all on your special days and always!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Alex Da Hook

The moment we have all been waiting for is almost here. On Saturday, April 4th Alex will finally take on the field in his first baseball game. Needless to say, he is waaaay excited. He was excited just to get his jersey and cap. If he hadn't of gotten it dirty with his dinner, he may never have taken it off. In fact, the Hooks play twice on Saturday!! How lucky are we?? Here are a couple of pics of Alex "lookin G" as he put it. (Wonder where he got that from). We will let you know how it all goes on Saturday and include some video.
A quick update on Ian. He is doing great and is really adjusting to being a Gonzales. He is already used to our yelling and screaming, He sleeps right through it. It's hard to believe he's a week old already. Seems like we just brought him home. He's our little piglet... he's ALWAYS eating. He is a little boring though, 'cause all he does is eat, sleep and poop. We can't wait till he starts doing some fun stuff. We love him sooo much!!! We're glad to have him in our lives. Thank you God for our Baby Brother!!! Talk to ya'll soon!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Baby Ian

Newest G-Gang Member - Ian Luis Gonzales

He's here!!! Mom was right!!! We have a new baby brother. Meet Ian Luis Gonzales. He blessed our world on Thursday March, 26th at 12:27pm weighing in at 9lbs. 4oz. and 22.5 inches long. No wonder Mom was so miserable and grouchy the last couple of weeks. We think he's pretty cute. And of course, he has a full head of hair - really nice hair. He can already spike his bangs up like Matt. It even looks like it may be curly. Too early to tell what color his eyes will be, they look kinda gray right now. Ian didn't get Daddy's ears, but he sure did get his cheeks. Thankfully, the delivery went well. Ian and Mom are both doing great! Mom is still in a bit of pain, but she says it was all worth it! Dad says our family is now complete. Adri is pretty fascinated by Baby Ian. Alex is too. In fact, he's named Ian "Bob" - Bobby for short. Gotta love Alex! We will keep you updated on new little angel and promise to post pics for those loved ones so far away. Hugs and Kisses from Ian and the rest of the gang!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Let the madness begin!!!! The 2009 baseball season has begun. Our first game of the season was Matt's Storm vs. the Owlz! They didn't waste any time when they created the schedules. We started off with a bang! The winds were blowing like 20 miles an hour which was great when we were batting, but not so great when we weren't. It was a close game until the very end. One bad inning and it was over for the Storm. The final score was 17 - 8 (thank goodness the time ran out). Matt did great and we can't wait to see how the rest of the season goes!!! He started the game out at pitcher and then moved out to centerfield where the Owlz's big hitters were aiming. Matt had an awesome game despite the crazy wind and dirt in his face. He had a couple of outs and big hits. Today, Zach's Defenders took on his team from last year the Red Wings. We were a little worried watching them warm up. Zach was soo excited all day and couldn't wait to get this season started. Well, the Defenders had a GREAT game - final score was 18-0. We are all very happy that Zach chose to go back into the draft this year. They've got lots of energy and excitement. There are some real hitters on his new team. Zach played pitcher and shortstop and did great at both positions. Way to go boys!!! We're in for an exciting season. The countdown is on! Eleven days till the Hooks' opening day!!! Hopefully Alex won't explode before then. We got some video of Zach's game, but didn't get any at Matt's due to the weather. But don't worry, we'll get some. Enjoy! Be back soon!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Coming Soon.....

Well, we'll have to change our blog picture pretty soon. We found out this week that our new baby brother or sister will be here on Tuesday. Mom's due date is April 4th, but Dr. Page said it would be ok to induce her early. Mom sure has had this BIG smile on her face since then. Her bag is packed and she is ready to go. We still don't know if it's a boy or a girl, and Mom still believes it is a boy. We'll soon see!!!

We went camping with Grandma Rosa and Grandpa and Gabe this week for Spring Break. We were going to go to Palo Duro Canyon, but there weren't any camping sites available. Instead we went to Lake Colorado City State Park. It was fun - and kinda scary. It got really cold at night but we really felt it 'cause we were in our chones. Grandma had to get up in the middle of the night to get our pajamas. Anyway, we had a good time. It was nice to get away. And on our last day of Spring Break we spent the night with Grandma Mae. She had to work all week, but we're glad we had at least one night with her!

Well, please pray for our family this next week. We ask that God bless our new baby. We pray that all goes well during the delivery and that there are no problems. We thank you for continuing to bless our little gang. Talk to you all soon!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

March Madness

March Madness

Yes, a month of madness. We've been really busy this month - eye exams, dental visits, basketball games, baseball practices, fun days at school, TAKS testing, spring break and waiting for our new baby brother or sister. Baseball practice has been the best thing so far!! We love it! Our schedules are out already. We're not sure what Mom and Dad are going to do. We should just set up a trailor house at the ballpark since we'll practically be living there for the next couple of months. They're really excited though... Dad keeps saying he's waited for this all his life - having all three of his boys playing baseball! There's even one Saturday, the one before Easter, where we each play 2 games. Yep, 6 games - Alex's Hooks starting the day at 8 in the morning and Matthew's Storm ending the day at 7:45pm. Easter Vigil Mass is at 9 pm in Slaton. We'll have to see how we're going to pull that off. Matthew and the Storm start the season off on March 23rd at 6:00pm against the Owlz. Zach and the Defenders begin on the 24th a 6:00pm against the Red Wings. Finally, Alex and the Hooks make their debut on April 4th at 12:30 against the Express. We're sooo excited - and a little sad that our Tio and Tia won't be in the stands to cheer us on. Mom may not be there at first either, depending on when the baby comes. Well, time for bed. Tomorrow is the last day before Spring Break! Yippee!!! Enjoy the slideshow. Be safe and stay warm!! Da Gang!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Well, it's that time of the year again!!!! The time we wait for all winter long. It's baseball season!!! Yippeee!!! And what's even better this year.... there's another Gonzales who will be playing for the Frenship League this year. Yes folks.... Alex is joining us for another great season of baseball!!! We found out this weekend which teams we will all be playing for. Matt of course will return to The Storm machine pitch, Zach will be joining The Defenders coach pitch and Alex, well he'll be playing for The Hooks teeball. Matt has already had a couple of practices, Zach has his first one on Tuesday and Alex will have his first practice Wednesday. But we've all been practicing at home and at Grandma's for the last couple of weeks. We are all anxious to get started. And even more excited to see Alex swing that bat!!! We're afraid that Mom is going to miss our first games because she may be in the hospital having the baby. The doctor still says the due date is April 4th, but Mom thinks it will be sooner than that. We sure hope so, not just so we can meet our new brother or sister, but because Mom is getting really, really fat. And we know she is pretty tired this time around. We hear her crying about how tired she is of nothing fitting her, not even her maternity clothes and not being able to sleep at night. Mom and Dad did pretty good about not finding out what we were having. But Mom really feels like it's a boy. We really don't care, as long as he/she is healthy. Well, time for bed. Oh, one more thing... please say a prayer for Matthew this week. He will be taking the reading portion of the TAKS test on Wednesday. We know he will do great!! Have a great week!!! Love you all!!! Da Gang!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February Update

Happy Valentine's Day

We want to wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!! We were lucky enough to have two Valentine's Days. Matt and Zach had our Valentine's parties on Friday at school. Mom and Dad surprised us with a stuffed animal, balloon and a heart filled with Skittles. Pat and Rita sent us a Valentine's package too. It was loaded with 3 Wii games, a Dora nightgown for Adri and a whole bunch of candy that wasn't chocolate. Grandma Mae bought us heart shaped pizzas. All this on Friday, the 13th. Today our uncle Daniel took us to buy bats for the upcoming baseball season!!! We are sooooo excited and can't wait to start hitting homeruns. And Mom gave herself a Valentine's gift and took us to get some pictures made. She said she wanted one more picture of us before the baby comes. Matthew has his first basketball game on Monday. We can't wait to see how that goes. We'll post some video of his first game. Zach is doing Great in school and is also excited about coach pitch baseball this season. Alex has been really good lately. He is a great big brother and helps Dad watch Adri during the day. And guess what?? He's playig teeball this year!!! REALLY can't wait to see how that goes. And Adri... what can we say about Adri? She is an angel. We can't remember what our lives were before her! She is ready for potty training so pray for her... and all of us! We'll post again soon. Just wanted to say Hi and that we Love you all!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Moment in History

Today was a very special day. Today the first Black man became President. We got to see President Obama being sworn in today. We witnessed history. We are very excited about our new president. As Matt said yesterday (on Martin Luther King Day), "It's a good thing Martin Luther King, Jr was born. If not, McCain might have been our president". God Bless America and God Bless our new President.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Lost in Time

Wow! Time flies when you're having fun!! We haven't posted anything since Alex's birthday. We blame Mom!! It's all her fault! We'll see if you can catch you up in fast forward mode. November was a great month. Mom was gone for only one week. She hasn't had to go back to Houston since then. Thanksgiving was AWESOME!!! Our Tio Pat and Tia Rita came down from Detroit. We had sooo much fun hanging out with them and the rest of our families. We were lucky to eat together with both sides of our families together at the same time. We were very sad to see Pat and Rita go! Now it's our turn to go visit them in Detroit. We're gonna wait till it's a LOT warmer!!!

Christmas was awesome too!!! We were pretty worried that Santa wasn't going to be stopping at our house on Christmas Eve. We weren't bad all year, but we certainly weren't good all year either. We had our moments! We got together and decided to ask Santa for one big gift for all of us instead of a gift for each of us. We asked him for a Nintendo Wii and a Weiner Dog, a real live one. Well, guess what?? We got both!!! Zach was the first one to wake up on Christmas morning - he said the puppy woke him up. And right there in front of the fireplace, our puppy, our Wii and a Dora Fiesta Doll for Adri.l Our puppy is black with brown patches and his name is Toby Max. We have had sooo much fun with him. He's always so excited to see us and play with us. Adri was a little nervous around him at first, now she bosses him around just like the rest of us.

New Year's came and went. We had a big night planned. We planned on spending the night with Grandma Mae and having a game night playing board games and our new Wii. But guess what? We all fell asleep before 10:30. We're such party poopers. Happy 2009!!!

Well, we know this is a bit long, but it's been a while. We'll catch you up on the rest tomorrow and post some recent pictures. Take care of yourselves and God Bless you all!!!!